Scribbles Views: Hogwarts Spring Collection.. Clémence Poésy

24 Jan

Some of us may or may not recognise Clémence Poésy – best known as the rather captivating Fleur Delacour from Harry Potter. She was all the boys favourite, with her silvery-blonde hair, pale eyes, good looks, and ability to entrance men she really was one of the pretty girls from the films. But by Jove, look how she’s grown up!

Appearing in the US’s Marie Claire Feb edition, she shows off just how amazing she looks now – Capturing the essence of Spring, she sports all the trends that are so hot! Not only is she stunning, she has a real element of  a sweet but sinful look about her! Plus I’m completely loving the styling in these shots!

Yep, she’s pretty darn cute!
Until next time…….

2 Responses to “Scribbles Views: Hogwarts Spring Collection.. Clémence Poésy”

  1. Courtney January 24, 2011 at 2:53 pm #

    Beautiful! xx

  2. Fashion Limbo January 26, 2011 at 2:43 pm #

    I love every single item she's wearing and agree with you in adoring the styling of this shoot. Cannot believe that's her from Harry Potter fame, she looks so grown up!

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