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Scribbles Views: The Jewellery that was made from my thoughts….

28 Oct
Oh yes, I’m on a jewellery high this week – it’s everywhere! I’ve been taken out of my comfort zone by GoGo Phillip by falling in love with a slinky chain and not just a chunky lovely that I normally go for, and I’ve been bedazzled by Erickson Beamon, but moving on in all things ‘jewellery’ I was looking for more fun, eclectic styling. I put the word out on Twitter that I was looking for something more unique and boy, did it deliver – I found the unique Maggie Angus jewellery website.
As soon as I saw the bright colours, the child-like fun illustrations of Anna Hickman-Evans, I knew this was the brand I was looking for. These pieces are friendly little items, they are not offensive or boring, they are fun and weird, and are pieces that are there to not only make a statement, but to create a talking point between you and the admirer. Having inherited her Grandmothers jewellery collection and seeing the pure treasure trove of accessories that she once had owned, it spurned Anna on to create Maggie Angus.

Kooky little illustrations, sit on slim fitting chains, unique pretty girly colours are mixed with the loud and proud bright variations – but all are distinct and most of all, fun to look at. There’s no hidden agenda here, no hidden meaning – just jewellery at its most recognisable and best. 

Along with some classics,  a new collection has been launched called ‘Girls can never have enough’, which is personally a saying I use a little too often. Full of drawings of Shoes, vintage handbags and antique looking perfume bottles all showcased on some funky acrylic these are ideal as presents, or if your like me and have a stupid shoe addiction then why not shout it loud and proud and wear it on your neck… or wrist… or ears!
I have started writing my Christmas list and right on top of it is the rabbit necklace (that is nearly out of stock!!eeeek!) I intend on using it as a tribute to my bunny.
Aside from how lush the designs are, prices are pretty brilliant for an item that is so different and not seen in many places. I cant wait to see what Maggie Angus bring out one season to the next, and I must must must get my mitts on a bit of their kookiness!
Go check them out here
Until next time….